iShares Physical Silver ETC • ISLN
Capital at risk.
About iShares Physical Silver ETC
Base currency
Trading Cyrrency
Trading on
Fund manager
Key facts & metrics
Fund size
Expense Ratio
Dividend Yield
Price to prospective earnings
Price to book
Price to sales
Price to cashflow
52-week High
52-week Low
50-day moving average
200-day moving average
Year 1
Year 3
Year 5
Year 10
Volatility Year 1
Volatility Year 3
Expected Return Year 3
Sharpe Ratio
Long term projected earnings
Historical earnings
Cash flow
Book value
Data displayed above is indicative only and its accuracy or completeness is not guaranteed. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. Your return may be affected by currency fluctuations and applicable fees and charges. The value of your investment may go up as well as down. When investing, your capital at risk.
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Capital at risk.
The name of ISLN is iShares Physical Silver ETC.
The primary ticker of iShares Physical Silver ETC is ISLN.
The ISIN of iShares Physical Silver ETC is IE00B4NCWG09.
The total expense ratio (TER) of iShares Physical Silver ETC amounts to 20.00% p.a. These costs are withdrawn continuously from the fund assets and already included in the performance of the ETF. You don't have to pay them separately.
No, iShares Physical Silver ETC doesn't pay dividends.
iShares Physical Silver ETC is traded in USD.
iShares Physical Silver ETC is accumulating.
The fund manager of iShares Physical Silver ETC is iShares.
The fund size of iShares Physical Silver ETC is $1.26B.