When to start

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When to start

The magic of starting early

So you’re thinking about taking a leap into the exciting world of investing, huh? That’s brilliant! But, like a kid peering over the edge of the high diving board for the first time, you’re probably asking yourself, “Is now the right time?”

This is here to help you understand when and how to make that big jump. Buckle up, and let’s go on a journey together! ✈️

First stop, the magic behind compound interest, aka “the eighth wonder of the world.” But don’t worry, no wands or spells required here, just a little patience and a pinch of financial discipline. 

Ready to dive in?

Compound interest explained

You’ve heard about it. Maybe from a financially savvy friend, a TedTalk, or that annoyingly smart cousin who seems to know everything about everything. Compound interest. Sounds pretty complex, right? 🤔

Here’s the good news. It’s not. It’s actually pretty straightforward. Compound interest is essentially “interest on interest.” It can allow your money to make more money, which can then make even more money.

It’s like a snowball rolling down a hill, gathering more snow and getting bigger as it descends. Now imagine this snowball rolling down the hill for 10, 20, or 30 years. That’s some snowball, huh? ⛄

The maths behind

Let’s paint a clearer picture with some simple maths (don’t worry, we promise it’s simple!). Let’s say you invest £1,000 and earn an annual interest rate of 5%.

At the end of the first year, you’ll have £1,050. That’s your initial investment, or principal (£1,000), plus the interest you earned (£50).

Now, here’s where the magic 🪄 happens. In the second year, you’re not just earning interest on your initial £1,000. Nope. You’re earning interest on the £1,050. So, by the end of the second year, you’d have £1,102.50.

You’re earning money on the money you earned. That’s compound interest in action! 😎

The tale of two investors

Here’s the story of our friends Alice and Bob. Both Alice and Bob have £10,000 to invest and can earn an annual return of 5%. Alice decides to invest her money right away. Bob, on the other hand, procrastinates and only starts investing 10 years later.

By the time they both hit retirement at 65, Alice, who started at 25, ends up with over £70,000, while Bob ends up with about £40,000. That’s not because she invested more money but because she invested earlier. ⏰

Her money had more time to work its magic and multiply through compound interest. So, you see, the early bird really does get the worm — or in this case, the extra tens of thousands!

The power of regular contributions

Compound interest becomes even more powerful when you make regular contributions to your investment. Consider Alice, who this time invests £200 each month instead of a one-time £10,000 investment, starting at age 25. Her friend, Charlie, who also invests £200 monthly, waits until he’s 35 to start.

Fast forward to when they’re 65. Alice, thanks to the magic of compound interest, has a whopping £525,000 🤯 while Charlie has a respectable but less impressive £265,000.

They invested the same amount each month, but Alice’s earlier start gives her a significant advantage. That’s the power of compound interest combined with regular contributions.



That’s the magic of starting early. It’s about giving your money time to perform its captivating compound interest spell. The longer it has to grow, the larger it potentially Ican become potentially .

Remember Alice and her investment journey? She wasn’t the richest of her friends, and she didn’t have a secret treasure chest. Her secret was time. By starting early and making regular investments, she was able to harness the magic 🪄 of compound interest. And that made all the difference. 💰

So, what’s the best time to start investing? The earlier you start, the more time you have to experience the magic of compound interest.

Remember, investing is a marathon, not a sprint. It’s about consistent, disciplined decisions over time. And with the power of compound interest, even small amounts can grow into substantial wealth over the long run.

In the next chapter, we discuss how being financially prepared makes all the difference when you start investing. So, keep reading!


Remember, with all investing, your capital is at risk. Although this material is intended to be educational, it may promote the services provided by Wealthyhood.